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Retirement is not just about dollars

A life-cycle consultant has revealed only two in five retirees admit to being happier once they stopped working, prompting him to issue a reminder that achieving a satisfactory retirement goes well beyond how much money a person has saved in their superannuation fund.


“We hear a lot about how much money you need to retire. But there is not enough discussion about how to actually do it,” 64Plus chief executive Jon Glass said.

“What will you do on your first day? In the second week? At the end of the first quarter, the end of the first year? These are all milestones that can bring great joy – or despair.”

Reinforcing the fact a satisfactory retirement is more than just about money, Glass shared the fact 20 per cent of people indicated they feel unfulfilled and another 20 per cent say they had no purpose once they left the workforce.

According to Glass, addressing this issue requires individuals to first acknowledge the intrinsic rewards their employment provided them.

“[A] key aspect of retiring is recognising that your work, your contribution, your colleagues have provided you with a sense of self-esteem, self-worth for decades,” he noted.

“Many retirees tell me that once they retired they lost their sense of self-worth that they obtained from the work that they did.

“This loss of identify and failure to craft a new one can be a big shock for many retirees, especially male retirees. It even has a name: Relevance Deprivation Syndrome.”

He suggested a solution for retirees suffering from this condition might be to determine how their skill set can make a different contribution toward their community.

“Think beyond the traditional forms of giving back, such as traditional volunteering or donating. You’d be surprised at how fulfilling it can be to impact someone else’s life in your own unique way,” he recommended.

To this point, he confirmed a key non-financial consideration when preparing for retirement was for retirees to have at least a rough outline of how they will spend their time during that phase of their life.






October 23, 2023
Darin Tyson-Chan

David Forrest Download David's Adviser Profile

David Forrest

BEc (Acc), MBA, CPA, FFin

David has been in the Financial Services Industry for nearly 30 years. He was one of the founding Directors of the successful Financial Planning and Stockbroking Practice, Henderson Gregory Forrest, for a decade. Prior to that, he held senior roles in companies such as ING, KPMG Accountants and AMP. David was previously Chairman of OAMPS Superannuation Trustee Board and currently serves as an independent Board Director for several companies.

David’s extensive experience in all forms of superannuation, including Self Managed Super Funds (SMSF), Defined Benefit Funds, retirement funding through Account Based Pensions, stockbroking with a focus on Direct Share Investment, Taxation/Remuneration Planning, Centrelink, Aged Care and business management, equip him to advise expertly on all aspects of Financial Advice.

Those with a particular interest in superannuation/SMSFs, direct share investment, salary packaging or applying for the Centrelink Pension will find his knowledge and ability in formulating and implementing creative, logical and simple wealth creation strategies a valuable asset.

David maintains a strong personalised client service focus, providing tailored solutions for clients.




David Forrest is an Authorised Representative of Integrity Financial (SA) Pty Ltd ABN 16 133 921 187 — AFSL No 334846

Michelle Forrest

Michelle Forrest

Business Finance Manager
B Bus (Acc), CPA

Michelle’s career has spanned across the Financial Services, Retirement Living and Aged Care industries working in the private sector, not for profit and more recently with the state government for over 20 years. Her experience extends to many facets of the financial services industry, having worked in superannuation administration, technical support and financial planning practice administration.

Commencing with AMP and subsequently working in commerce and accounting roles with companies such as Brambles, Adelaide Bank Retirement Services, ECH Inc and SA Health and Wellbeing, Michelle returns to financial services after working in practice financial management at Henderson Gregory Forrest. This wide range of experience from senior accounting and management roles has provided Michelle with a strong background in business administration.

With an astute financial acumen and keen interest in business improvement strategies, Michelle ensures the smooth running of the Integrity Financial Advisory practice providing valued management support to our personalised client service focus.




Darren Chalk Download Darren's Adviser Profile
Natasha Bartlett
Kelly Collins
Jasmine Smith

Jasmine Smith

Client Service Manager

Jasmine has worked in the financial services industry for over 12 years in all areas of client administration, working with David since 2013.

Jasmine has extensive knowledge and experience in client service including implementation of advice, portfolio reporting, assisting with the establishment of Self Managed Super Funds (SMSFs), term deposit management and a long history of helping clients with their enquiries.

Jasmine’s attention to detail, yet gentle approach, means she is able to solve the trickiest of questions for our client community.

Jasmine has gained her Certificate III in Financial Services qualification.


Merrilyn Smith

Merrilyn Smith

Senior Client Service Manager

Merrilyn has worked in the financial services industry for over 11 years in all areas of client administration, and is a new addition to our client services team, returning from Melbourne to join the team in June 2019.

Merrilyn has extensive knowledge and experience in client service including implementation of advice, managed fund administration, assisting with the establishment of Self Managed Super Funds (SMSFs) and process improvement for the previous practices she has worked with. Merrilyn’s experience with direct shares constitutes the other part of our administrative support for direct equity investments.

Merrilyn’s warm and caring nature continues to endear her to our clients and she has already established herself as a valued member of our team.
